Well, I've joined the ranks and have taken up the 30 hubs in 30 days challenge!
I started writing for hub pages 2 or 3 weeks ago, but had only managed 3 hub pages in that time. I believe in quality rather than quantity and wasn't prepared to write nonsense or put up pictures of half naked women just to get viewing figures up, so took my time and tried to write something that would be useful to some folks at least. I appreciate that half-naked ladies would be very useful to some people, but I think I'll leave that thought right there!
So, now I've got to find 30 topics in 30 days. I like a challenge.
First one is done already http://hubpages.com/hub/How-to-get-the-best-out-of-your-photoshoot
It's written for anyone who wants photographic portraits done but doesn't know what to wear, how to pose, or what to do! Having been on both sides of the camera I reckon that I can help there and so that's what the hub is all about.
Talking of photo shoots, I've got a great one planned for Friday! A beach shoot with Irena... watch this space for more about that later!!
Here's Irena, she's gorgeous and she works pretty damn hard so I reckon we're going to have a great time...
Well, that's all for now,
Take care out there and see you again soon,
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