Actually, I think having a couple of old fuds on the insurance makes it a lot cheaper for him, but what the hell, if it means we can go and blow away some cobwebs with a bit of topless action... the car, yes, I'm still talking about the car! Tsk!! - well, it's all to the good as far as I can see!
The Honda S2000 is a little beauty.
Affordable, powerful, and understatedly elegant. It's not an 'in your face', out & out scene stealer like the Ferrari's or Lambo's, and at HUGE amounts less pounds, it's a perfect alternative for the average chap or chappess who just wants to be out and enjoying the ride.

It's not an easy car to drive. Get it wrong and it will kill you. Get it right and your heart will keep on beating, but just that little bit faster and that little bit more fluttery (er... is that proper English? Does it matter? Nope!).
I really can't say it any better than the BBC's 'Top Gear', so to quote from their reviews, "The sound of this small engine foaming like an inmate of Bedlam beneath the bonnet is what it is all about. A little frightening but wonderful for that."
Perhaps a more direct analogy to the feeling you get when driving this car, and also a BBC 'Top Gear' quote, "If Dr Jekyll had one of these, he wouldn't have needed a potion to turn him into a right nutter!"
Now, let me be quick to add that being a nutter doesn't have to involve stupidity!! You can drive this car in the way it likes to be driven, but you don't have to break the speed limits, nor do you have to drive like an idiot and think that you can overtake on hill crests or blind bends... or over solid white lines!!! You can still have more fun (and more fear) than you can probably handle AND still be legal... oh, and alive!!
Anyway, where was I? oh yes... we decided to take the wee Honda up onto Moulin Moor (obviously - because it's my most favourite place in Scotland if you didn't already know) for a photo shoot.
Honda use the tag line 'Power of Dreams', so that is what the shoot was all about. I used techniques I'd learned from Simon Plant in his excellent 'Action Panns' video... which comes highly recommended by the way!
Simon is the master at car photography and is a highly accomplished award-winning photographer, with a National Geographic front cover to his name no less, and who is now spreading the secrets to his successes through digital photography tutorials, and Adobe Photoshop tutorials. Click through for outstanding digital photography tutorials ,visit Simon's site & learn pro-style photographic techniques. Time spent watching his video tutorials is time very well spent indeed! Oh yes!!
It would have been virtually impossible to get the control and technique right on this, if I hadn't watched Simon's video and had a wee practice first. This is something I am going to carry on with; it was immensely enjoyable and so satisfying to come back with all the shots I needed in such a short space of time. Impossible without pro-photo insights, so lots of thanks go to Simon for that!
Hope you like these 'pride & joy' portraits... there will be more to come! If you fancy photos of your own 'pride & joy', get in touch with me by e-mail and I'll discuss all the possibilities with you. Happy motoring & keep it legal.
While you're still here, please do have a look at this video & watch Simon Plant at work!
While you're still here, please do have a look at this video & watch Simon Plant at work!
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