It is a nature reserve on the Fife side of the Tay estuary comprising pine woodland, ever-changing dune systems, incredible dune slacks, miles of smooth sand, and breeding grounds for birds and seals and all sorts of butterflies and insects.

There are also many relics of the war, including sand-covered pill boxes and a line of concrete blocks that were put in place to prevent enemy landing craft from coming ashore here. You'll also see a few posts still visible in the estuary that were positioned to prevent enemy seaplanes from landing.

A fascinating place, Tentsmuir is without doubt worthy of nature reserve status and I actually kind of hope nobody reads this as I rather selfishly want to keep the secret that is Tentsmuir to myself! I've got a massive folder full of photos from Tentsmuir but shall I post them, or shall I just keep it to myself a little bit longer? No, I'll do a longer piece another time, so will just leave you with three photos today and a promise of more to come.
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