How lucky were we? If you live in Scotland, or anywhere in the UK for that matter, you'll know that the last few weeks have seen some appalling weather conditions. Rain lashing in sideways, gales, storms, it's been bad! It was therefore with some trepidation that I aquaplaned my way up from Dudley a couple of weeks ago to do a photoshoot in Pitlochry.
I battled across the border, the car getting battered by possibly the worst storm this year and thought I'll be lucky to get home at all, let alone out to do a photoshoot. Having arrived a little damp round the edges but otherwise intact, I went to bed in full expectation of a cancellation due to floods and landslides (not uncommon in the area).
Imagine how surprised and delighted I was to open the curtains on the Saturday morning to clear blue skies and not a breath of wind. Yessss!!!
As a good Girl Guide though, I went prepared and also had the mobile studio so we could go in if the weather turned. As it happens, we had a smashing day out running around by the dam and then into the studio for some warmer, cosier shots.
The girls were incredibly lively, full of fun and spirit. Perfect!!
Thanks to Ian, Clare, Aimee, Evie and Poppy and also a big thanks to Niaesha ;)