I know there is no such thing as perfection and so I don't actually strive for that, but I do strive to improve, improve and improve some more... to keep growing and getting better and to learn as much as possible while it's still possible!
I've been inspired by so many people in my life and it would be impossible to count or name them all here, but I also continually seek new acquaintances and friendships with those people that I admire. It may be that I respect their work, their artistry, their passion or just their outlook on life, but all these people bring something that I can think about and try to put into who I am too.
Although we've not yet met in person, somebody who has been very influential and inspirational in the way I approach both my life and my work is Glyn Davies. A Cornishmen on Anglesey, Glyn has a passion for life, his family, the landscape and photography that is truly awesome!
I believe we think along the same lines in so many ways and so I do feel a very strong connection with Glyn, even though we've never met. He seems to be a lot like me and a lot like my very best friends, which is why I feel that I've already known him for years!
Well, to go back to the subject of inspiration, I've just purchased 2 of Glyn's books "Anglesey Landscapes" and "Anglesey Landscapes II".

I hope he doesn't mind me writing about them and blowing his trumpet for him, because they are outstanding!!!
The quality of the photographs is, of course, everything that you would expect from THE landscape photographer of Anglesey, but it is so very much more.
His passion for the island and for Wales is clearly evident, but so is his passion for seeking out the undercurrents of wild Anglesey. I don't mean the undercurrents in the sea... though they are responsible for the key elements in many of Glyn's photographs... I mean the undercurrents of that indefinable thing that pulls us into a landscape, into nature and into ourselves.
I can't really put it into words, it is something indefinable, but Glyn puts it into his books both in the photographs and in the accompanying text. If you 'get' the outdoors, if you 'get' the pull that drags you out of bed at unspeakable times of day and in unfeasibly wet, cold and windy weather, then you will already know what I mean and you'll be as absorbed by Glyn's books as I am!!
If you don't 'get' it, then read Glyn's books... feel the passion in his written words and in the power of his photography. I can honestly say, you WILL be blown away! Inspired? Yes, oh yes I am!!
Inspired not only to get out and get better landscape shots, but also inspired to re-connect with life and those undercurrents that I talked of just now. I've had a difficult year on a personal level and I think that has got in the way a bit, led my attention away from the strands and wisps that I love to follow through life. Not really aimless, more a voyage of discovery!
Just recently I've been aimless, but, (without him knowing it) Glyn has re-directed me, inspired me to buck up and get on, to re-focus and get some of that old sparkle and passion back. Inspiration? Sorted!!
But what about the perspiration? Well, as I said at the beginning, I am always striving to improve and, to that end, I have recently become a member of the Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers (SWPP). I aim to work my way up through their qualification structure and to learn and improve and be the best that I can be all the time that I can.
First step is the 'Mentor Me' scheme that they run. I have to choose 20 images that I've taken and submit them for critique and guidance on where to go next, to step up to the next level. You wouldn't think it would be that hard, doesn't sound hard, but the HOURS that I've put in this week already!!! I am loving it though, and it's been fantastic re-visiting old images and of course the memories of the laughter and head-scratching that accompanied them!

Onwards and upwards me friends, I'm on a mission!!! I'll keep you informed as I go along, wish me luck and I hope you'll stay along with me for the ride! Oh, and Glyn, I REALLY hope I get this right... Diolch iti, gyda'm holl galon!! If you've not been yet, pop by Glyn's website and you'll see just what I mean! www.glyndavies.com
Rebecca, x.
I wish you teh best on your Onwards and Upwards and the progress in your choosen careeer as a Wedding Photographer
ReplyDeleteThank you Walter ;)) I'm just back from a bridal shoot and LOVED every minute of it!! I shall still be out and about around the British countryside though, enjoying the views and very much enjoying the fruit scones and ice creams, lol. XX