Both highly intelligent breeds and both very much in need of lots of time, attention and exercise. Meld the two together and pour into a 13 week old puppy... uh oh!! This was always going to be a lot of fun!!!

It was!!!! Carlo is bonkers, but in such a delightful, good-natured kind of way.
He's clearly exceptionally intelligent, not really surprising given his genes, but he's learned already how to channel it and his boisterous spirit to get best results... usually something ending in 'treat' or 'chew' or even just a good tickle behind the ears!
His parentage certainly helps, but so does his home life. He spends his days round at Dick and Pat's, in the company of his 'Uncle' Seamus... not really an 'Uncle', but a Border Collie nonetheless... but then neither is he one of those 'Uncles' who you grow up thinking are family and then discover are someone entirely different altogether! Not, I hasten to add, that we had one of those but I know some people who did... their secrets are still safe with me though!!!
The atmosphere in Dick and Pat's house is the epitome of tranquil. Peace and calm pervade every corner of their home and their characters. Dogs will always pick up vibes from the house they are in, and if Carlo is spending his formative months with Dick and Pat and his older, wiser, ever-watchful Uncle Seamus,

it's no wonder he's already so extremely placid and good-natured... if cavorting through the vegetable garden in a fluffy, bounding way could ever be described as placid?
I think it's very important when trying to get a portrait of a pet that you get to know about it, spend time with it and do what you can to capture the essence of it... what makes Carlo, well, Carlo? A mix of good breeding, a nice nature, and just a hint of mischief!

Puppy perfection!
Rebecca, x
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