I love being out there with my camera and love being in here remembering good days out and looking at photos and, above all, learning from them! Every step I take in this journey is a step that's been thought about and worked on and analysed and crafted. It's also a journey that's fun, exciting and promising to keep on moving and changing and challenging me as I go forward.
That's why I love it so much. I'm still really new to it all, but I am learning so much along the way, and one of the greatest of all pleasures is to be able to share that learning and passion and pleasure with other people!

Helen and Mick have recently purchased their first DSLR and asked to come out with me on some photography tutorials to find out how to use it and how to get images that they will be proud to say are theirs... photos they've actually taken, rather than simply allowing the camera to take the pictures for them!

We've had three afternoons out and about with the camera so far, covering everything from manual exposures to composition and creative exposure.

We have three more afternoons planned before they head off up to the west coast of Scotland for their annual holiday, where they will be ready to take photographs in any light and still be happy with the results!!
The weather has actually been a bit of a problem on these first three sessions, as it has been dull, wet and decidedly unalluring for landscape photography!

We've managed though, and had a bit of fun into the bargain! Which is always good!! Thanks for your hard work and patience so far, here's everything crossed that the sun might actually show for the next three sessions!!!
Rebecca, X
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