It's probably fair to say that you must know by now that I love my job!!!
Sunday was quite possibly the best, most entertaining, and most satisfying of all the photo shoots I've ever done. I had a true adventure in fairyland... fighting my way through waist-high nettles and brambles; clinging on to slopes beside a very deep and rather chilly stream; perched precariously up a 7ft ladder; and on my tummy almost under the runners of a very large rocking horse!!
Superb!!! That's why I love my job!

Sian is a young girl with a very strong future as a child model. She is awesome! So professional, full of fun and imagination, and so completely tireless, I love her to bits!!
We wove a story using her own clothes and props to show an 'Adventure in Fairyland'. Starting off outdoors, we went across to the neighbour's garden (with their very kind permission), and shot the first series down by the stream.
At least 4 foot deep by the looks of it, it also looked very cold and I seriously didn't want to go in, but nearly did... three times! The first time by accident, but the second and third times were actually by design!
What??? Utter madness!!!
I would have done it though, had I not been able to get to the bank on the far side. But, with a bit of determination... or maybe sheer bloody-mindedness in the face of the cold, wet and rather unpleasant alternative... I managed to create a path through the thickest, deadliest brambles and nettles you've ever seen. Ta daaa! Hmm... er, unfortunately, my view of Sian was then totally obscured by a branch with large fluttery leaves that waved about right in front of her!! Damn!!
Thankfully I had my new and very capable assistant Niaesha, who used a walking stick to hook the offending branch and hold it back out of the way for me.

Phew... saved from needing to get into the water again, thanks Niaesha!! We then headed back to Sian's own garden, where we found the wackiest but loveliest bird box I've ever seen!

Definitely a fairyland bird box!!
It was then up onto the balcony of the playhouse for some fun with the masks. Whilst very lovely, the balcony is, unfortunately, a very long way up. I needed a 7ft stepladder to get any kind of shots, and so in came Niaesha to the rescue again. The garden slopes slightly to the side, so Niaesha had to prop up the ladder to prevent me tipping off sideways and landing in an undignified heap on the grass! Instead of which, I still managed a rather undignified, slightly scared perch on top of the ladder... heights aren't amongst my strong points!
Having avoided ridicule and, it has to be said, injury (goodness knows, maybe even death!!!), we then moved indoors to get some studio shots.

Fantasy ruled and a fairy grotto was created using props gathered from around the house... including the toilet!! It has been said many times, by people far greater than me, that inspiration often comes from the toilet. Indeed it does!!
We also found a huge wooden rocking horse (no, not in the toilet)... and how else do we travel to fairyland than on a wooden horse?

Wonderful! So, all in all, we had a wonderful afternoon on our adventures in fairyland, and although it will take a while to process all the shots, I couldn't resist a chance to show you how much fun we had! Thanks to Niaesha, Sandee, and of course, a massive thank you to Sian :D